THE GOLEM "Nas, Nas, help, somebody help him, no, no!", Cried out that old women lying in the hospital bed. She quickly opened her oxygen mask and took a deep breath. "No, no it can't has come back! It has to be stopped!", she cried out loud. "Golem Accio Amendo Brackium", said that old lady. "Nana, Nana are you OK!?" , said that young boy who just entered the room shortly. "Oh Jeremy! I missed you, where were you dear?" she said holding the hands of the young boy. "Nana are you OK?", he asked once again. "Oh yes dear but there is something which is troubling me", she said. "What's troubling you Nana?", he asked "nothing much dear, but just know this much that you have a great responsibility dear", she said "What's the responsibility Nana?", he asked curiously. "The Golem, it has come back, it has to be stopped, help me Jeremy help me, please help me",she said " Nana I will surely help you but you must have a glass of water before that", he said as he passed the glass of water to the old lady. She sipped the water and kept it on the table. "Jeremy, take me back to my village, please, it's been 20 years since I went there I want to meet my people please Jeremy, help me, it will destroy, it will destroy everything!", she cried. "What? What will destroy everything Nana?", he asked. "The golem, it will destroy was summer, in 1897 Some people came to Russia and wanted to conquer our village, we lived in a small hut.. some had to clean the house and some had to put coal in the huge oven to earn money and feed their entire family. Every Sunday they came in our hut and they took tax from us....we didn't have money to buy food so we all created a clay monster, it was huge, took 3 weeks for us to create it. It was finally created but what can a clay statue do until unless it has life in it. I still remember the spell my father told me.. he knew that something evil is going to harm our village...I still remember that day, that day was also a blessing and also a curse to us...'Brackium Emendo Accio Golem' this was the spell I used to bring the Golem to life, and luckily it was succesful, ever since that day the Golem has been protecting our village, but I am getting weak and it is harming me Jeremy take me back to my village", she cried. "I will Nana...", he said "Jeremy come here", his father came in, and he looked furious. "Yes dad?", said Jeremy. "Why are you disturbing your Nana, let her sleep OK? Don't disturb her and just go to your room and sleep", he said as he slammed the door. Jeremy went upstairs, still thinking about the magical story his grandma told him. He went to his room and tried his hard to sleep. It was around 2:00 a.m. it was raining outside and hearing the thunder storm Jeremy woke up. He was still thinking about the story his Nana told him. He wanted to see her so he went downstairs and quietly opened the room's door. He went near her and whispered "Nana, Nana", he called her out but she didn't hear him so he decided to go near her and try once again but this time more louder when suddenly his Nana hold his hand "Nana it's me Jeremy", he cried "Oh Jeremy, it's you....Jeremy once again I saw the Golem destroying my village I want to go back my village please jeremy", she cried "yes, of course Nana", he said. "promise me, promise me Jeremy that you will take me to my village, promise me Jeremy, promise me", she said holding his hand "promise, I promise you Nana", he said assuringly. "thank you dear, thankyou jeremy", she said as she closed her eyes and laid unconscious. That was her last breath. "Nana? Nana? Please wakeup please Nana", he said checking her pulse. "No Nana , no please don't leave me, please Nana" he cried. (Next morning) "She died due to heart attack" said Mr.Obama He came to visit the family. "And she left a lot for you guys", he exclaimed. "And her most precious thing, she left it for Jeremy", he said. "What, what precious thing Mr. Obama?", asked Jeremy's mother. "Her ashes, she wants Jeremy to take them to her village", he replied. "That's not possible!", said Jeremy's father. "Why not! Why not dad, Nana wanted to visit her village but unfortunately she died, that was her last wish and I want to fulfill it dad!", said Jeremy "Oh C'mon Jeremy I have an important meeting and I can't take you to Russia", said Jeremy's father. "Why would you do that dad!", said Jeremy as he went upstairs and slammed the door of his room. "I promise you Nana I will take your ashes to your village", said Jeremy holding his grandma's photo frame. "We can't take him there", said Jeremy's mother. "Of course not, I mean I am having my meeting and I can't take him to Russia", said Jeremy's dad passing the dishes to his mother. "May I? May I take Jeremy to Nana's village?", asked Bonnie, Jeremy's sister. "Of course not honey", said her father. "Why not dad? I have been to Russia more than a couple of times and maybe I can drive Jeremy, please dad....and I am old enough to take his responsibility", pleaded Bonnie. "That's a great Idea!" , said her mother. "Honey, you should give her a chance please", said her mother supporting Bonnie. "Well...if you say so, then....I will let her drive Jeremy to Russia!", said her father. "Yay!!", cried out Bonnie in excitement. Bonnie went upto Jeremy's room. "Jeremy, Jeremy", she said knocking the door, "we are going to Nana's village and I'm going to drive you there", cried out Bonnie with happiness. "What! I can hardly believe it", he said opening the door. "Anyways pack up your bag, we are going this saturday", she cried. (Next saturday) "Take care honey and don't forget to have your food on time", said Jeremy's mother. "Take care Jeremy and Bonnie", said Jeremy's father. "Yeah sure, you too take care!" said Jeremy "Oh Jeremy! Take care....good bye", said Jeremy's mother. After twenty minutes, the flight finally arrived. Jeremy and Bonnie got up. "Hello madam what do you wanna have?" asked the flight attendant. "Do you wanna have something Jeremy? ", asked Bonnie. "Umm..... may I get a cheese sandwich please?" Asked Jeremy to the flight attendant. "Sure sir, and what would you love to have ma'am?", asked the flight attendant. "Umm...I guess I wanna have the same, cheese sandwich", replied Bonnie smiling. After about two hours they finally reached Russia. Jeremy was asleep, Bonnie woke him up. "Did we reach?", asked Jeremy "Yes we are in Russia", replied Bonnie. They got down, and took a car for rent. "So where do you think Nana's village is?", asked Jeremy. "Well... I knew, we could get lost, so I brought the map along me, and we gotta go to the west now and then to the east and.....", "OK will you stop now", said Jeremy "Well OK, so you ready ?, put Down your seat belts and we are ready to go", cried Bonnie. "Yeah ready!", said Jeremy. After a long tiring journey they finally reached the village. "OK so this the hotel we are going to stay in", said Bonnie "'The Spinkmunk's bell, the name is interesting!" Exclaimed Jeremy. Bonnie rang the bell. "Yes how may I help you?", Asked an old and tired lady, dressed with white dirty cloth, her hairs were tied and she had wrapped an old dirty handkerchief around her neck. "We are here for a room", informed Bonnie. "Come from back", said the old lady "OK, so the hotel is actually scary!", said Jeremy. "Jeremy atleast we got a place to stay otherwise we had to search for a hotel for the entire night, so instead of making fun of this hotel be grateful to it!", Insisted Bonnie. "This is your room", said that old lady. "Well, I expected better", whispered Bonnie. "If you want your food then come down I will made something though it will take time", said that old lady. "But can't I get the food here I'm starving", cried Jeremy. But till then the lady already left the room. "So, fresh up and then let's go down together", said Bonnie. "Yeah!", replied Jeremy. They got ready and went down. "It has come back", said a young man wearing a dull green shirt and a torn tie. "No it didn't, I'm sure it must be a animal attack", said an old man sitting down in a chair. "Look! Look at this! Which animal can do this", said that same young man. "Ummm.....hello?", said Bonnie. They just entered the room. "Who are you and what are you doing here?", asked that young man. "We are here for food and we are starving", said Bonnie. "Yes I know them, I told them to come inside the hotel, they are here for one night stay", said that old lady. "Naniya, oh Naniya you are back!", said that old man who was sitting in the chair, he went up and went near Bonnie. "Naniya, my eyes were all upon you, thanks God you are here", said that old man. "Sorry, who is Naniya? I don't know her", said Bonnie. "Naniya, it has come back", said that old man. "What has come back and I am not Naniya!", Cried out Bonnie. "Oh, so this is Naniya, the witch came back! That is the reason it has come back and you are the witch", said that young man pointing to Bonnie. "What are you talking about! And who is Naniya?", cried Bonnie. "I guess they are talking about Nana", said Jeremy. "Well I think you are talking about Nana", said Jeremy. "Yes Nana you are Nana", said that old man. "Listen, Nana is our great grand mother and she passed away few days back", said Bonnie. "Oh no! Now it's hard to control it!", said that old man. "You are a witch, you are witch and you are the one to give arise to a deadly monster", blamed that young man. "Jeremy, let's go back to our room I can't stay here anymore", said Bonnie as she went upstairs. "We are not staying here Jeremy!", said Bonnie. "But I promised Nana", replied Jeremy. "May I come in", cried somebody. Jeremy opened the door and it was the same old man. "What are you doing here?",asked Jeremy. "Well,I am here to say you something about your Nana", he said as he pulled a chair which was kept near him and he sat on it. "I am Mraz, I am your Nana's cousin", said that old man. "So?", asked Bonnie. "During the war, your grandma created a Golem to protect the village, ever since she moved on from Russia, she has been controlling the Golem from her mind and bow, she is no more, so that is the reason the Golem came back!", said Mraz. "Yeah, I heard Nana saying that she is getting weaker and it's getting hard for her to control it!" Said Jeremy. "Oh! C'mon Jeremy you can hardly believe to this story", said Bonnie. Suddenly there was a huge crash, nobody knew where the sound came from. "It has come here, stay quiet and hide!", Insisted Mraz. The sound came nearer and nearer when suddenly a huge clay hand came and broke the door of their room. Jeremy was scared, he tried to hit the huge clay figured hand with his bag and to his surprise it moved away. Mraz went down to ensure whether everything was fine. "We are going Jeremy", cried Bonnie "No we are not going!", said Jeremy. "Jeremy I sweared on mom and dad to take full responsibility of yours and if something happens to you then they are gonna kill me or maybe something more than that!", Cried out Bonnie. " But, but I promised Nana!", said Jeremy. "Fine, we are going to stay here for the night and tomorrow morning we are going to flow her ashes and return back home!", said Bonnie They were so tired that they both slept like a baby. (Next morning) "Mmm.. so what do you think about flowing her ashes in this beautiful fountain?", said Bonnie. "Not really!", replied Jeremy. "Let's go near that old cottage and find some better place.", Insisted Jeremy. They went near the old cottage when suddenly Jeremy felt like someone passed by him and he stopped. "What happened Jeremy", asked Bonnie. "Nothing much but I felt like somebody just passed by me and I felt like somebody is watching us", replied Jeremy. "You are imagining things, let's go", Insisted Bonnie. They moved a few steps forward when suddenly somebody caught the hand of Bonnie. It was that same young man! He came with some of his men. Bonnie was scared. "Run, run Jeremy!", Cried Bonnie. Jeremy ran and he kept on running without turning back! After few minutes he reached near few small cottage filled with grass. "Find, find that young boy!", Jeremy could hear those men trying to find him. He was scared so he went inside one of the cottages. He hold his Nana's ashes tightly. "What have you done Nana, what have you done! We are trapped Nana! I am trapped!", Cried Jeremy looking at the pot which contained his Nana's ashes. After few minutes Jeremy felt like those men went back so he went out of the cottage and luckily there was nobody. He walked few steps forward when he again saw one of the men still searching for him. He hid behind a huge rock when suddenly somebody caught his shoulder. Jeremy was really really scared! He turned back and to his surprise it was Mraz! "What are you doing here?", asked Jeremy. "Came here to protect you, stay behind this rock only", Insisted Mraz. "Did you see the young boy?", asked one of the men who came in search for Jeremy. "Yah I saw him going near the hotel" lied Mraz to protect Jeremy. Jeremy got up and they both moved towards the woods. "How, how can we get rid of this Golem?", asked Jeremy. "Did Naniya say any spell to you before she died?", asked Jeremy. "Ummm...yah! Yah I remember she said- 'Golem Accio Amendo Brackium'", said Jeremy. "Which means she told the spell backwards and this is the spell which can destroy the Golem!", said Mraz. "Let's go near the woods", Insisted Mraz. They moved near the woods and they kept on saying the spell. After sometimes they came near a huge tree when a huge stone moved and to their surprise it was the Golem! They kept on saying the spell but it didn't affect the Golem. It lifted Mraz an threw him into a bush. Jeremy went near him and helped him lift up. The Golem came near him and Jeremy hit the Golem with his bag and to his surprise each time he hit the Golem with the bag each time it went few steps backwards. "Her ashes! Naniya is controlling it from the grave! We must go in the hotel or else they must sacrifice Bonnie!", Cried out Mraz. They somehow managed to control the Golem and took it near the hotel. (In the hotel) "Its 12:00, the Golem was created in an old manner and it must be destroyed in an old manner too!", said that young man. He took a big knife and worshipped it. He cleaned it with milk and went near Bonnie, he was about to chop her head when suddenly the door blew open "What's that!", said that old lady. "Nothing, just focus here", said that young man. He once again was about to chop her head when suddenly the Golem came inside And behind the Golem there was Mraz and Jeremy. "Everybody hide yourselves", cried that young man! "No need to, no need to hide yourselves it won't harm any of you! Naniya passed out but still she is controlling it from the grave!", exclaimed Mraz. "Nana created it to protect the village!", said Jeremy. Mraz went near Bonnie and untied her from that huge chair. "I know I can destroy it", said Jeremy. "Golem Accio Amendo Brackium", said Jeremy as he blew her ashes and to his surprise the Golem fell down and it was destroyed! "You did it! You did it Jeremy!", said Bonnie. They both moved back to their rooms. (Next morning) "Thankyou, so much for helping me", said Jeremy. "My pleasure", said Mraz. Bonnie and Jeremy bid Mraz goodbye and went back to New York. _____________________________________________ THE END
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